Sunday, April 13, 2014

Who can blame you?

OK, so here’s why I didn’t write much today. 1) I’m doing laundry for other people in this house. 2) I’m entering grades for my students in the computer so they can see how much work they need to do to pass the class. 3) I’ve been sick because one of my students probably gave me a bad cold, so I’m not feeling creative.  4) I have to go to the library and return my own books because my daughter went to college in another state and can’t run simple errands for me like she used to. 5) My son is too young to drive to the library by himself.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, it’s Blame Somebody Else Day! So, go for it, and blame other people for anything you want. It’s kinda fun! Here’s the website, and you can blame me if you spend too much time looking up funny national days and not doing what you should be doing!

Write soon (but if you don’t, blame somebody else!),



  1. How about Blame SomeTHING Else Day?

    As in, it's not my fault I have a cellulite innertube surrounding my's the carrot cake and the lasagna I ate last night?

    I am going to make every day this "holiday." Thanks for making me blameless from now on, Mary.

  2. Boy, this is right on the mark and super to find tonight. After deaths, disasters, and diverse stuff, I have not written in weeks. Tonight I sat down and looked at submissions. I have not submitted since February much less written! And yes, it is almost all due to the fault and distractions of others! Ha, ha.

    1. I know! If everyone would just cooperate, I'm sure we would all get a lot more done!

  3. Oh Mary, that is funny! I'm heading over to that site right now....and it's after midnight, so I hope I don't stay too long! :)

  4. Well, if you do, you can blame me!!!!

  5. I blame reading all these blogs....

  6. Yeah, let's also blame bloggers! Oh wait, that's me, too!

  7. I blame Facebook.

    Critter Alley

  8. Yes, and I would also like to add Netflix!

  9. How did I miss this post on Blame Somebody Else Day? I blame it on all social media.
